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This course is comprehensive senior level English (English 4). In this course we use British Literature to help strengthen the skills of reading and writing with an emphasis on the analysis of the literature. Through the development of reading and writing skills the goal is to move all students to the district goal of being college and career ready through their ability to critically analyze the literature and their response to it. 

Class Overview

British Literature is a traditional survey of literature from England from its origins to modern day. The course will follow a sequential timeline starting with early Anglo-Saxon influence and ending in post-modernism. Students will be expected to evaluate both the literature, the inspiration of the literature, and the impact the literature had on both people of its time and today's reader. Students will improve on their writing skills through various grammar and writing activities. They will also improve reading skills through group and individual readings. All assignments will include opportunities for students to read, listen, speak, and write about the literature.  By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the English language, British author's and their inspirations, and the impact their literature has had on our population. 

Class Expectations

Students are expected to come on time to class each day prepared both physically and mentally to learn. Students are expected to not be on their electronic devices while class is in session unless otherwise notified by the teachers.  Students are expected to be respectful of themselves and others, including giving each other the right to speak their opinion free from judgment and ridicule, in turn receiving the same treatment from peers and instructors.  Disruptive students will be dealt with using the following measures. 

  • Verbal warning
  • Teacher conference
  • Parent/Guardian notification
  • Referral to administration

These measures can/will be adjusted depending on the severity of the disruption. 

Supplies Needed

Pen/Pencils (No RED ink)

Lose leaf paper College Ruled

1 inch Binder 

5 Dividers


Grading Policy

Classroom grading policy follows campus and district policy as follows:



Six Weeks Exam15